Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Prime Minister Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) through the digital medium on September 10, 2020. Along with this, e-Gopala App was also launched, which is an
overall breed improvement, market and information portal for the direct use of
What is the Prime Minister Matsya
Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)
It is a focused and sustainable
development plan for the fisheries sector. It is to be implemented in all
states and union territories under the Self-Reliant India Package during a
period of five years from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25. An estimated investment of
Rs 20,050 crore is to be made on this scheme. This investment is the highest
ever in the fisheries sector. An investment of about Rs 12,340 crore is
proposed for beneficiary-centric activities in marine, inland fisheries and aquaculture,
and an investment of Rs 7,710 crore for fisheries infrastructure. Designed to
address gaps in the way of fish production and productivity, quality
technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernization and
strengthening of the pricing chain, robust fisheries management framework and
fisheries welfare.
The objective of Pradhan Mantri
Matsya Sampada Yojana
Under this, fish production increased
by an additional 70 lakh tonnes by the year 2024-25. Income from fish exports
to Rs 1,00,000 crores by the year 2024-25. To double the income of fishermen
and fisher farmers. Reduce the post-harvest losses from 20-25 per cent to 10
per cent and create 55 lakh direct and indirect employment opportunities in the
fisheries sector and allied activities.
This scheme is mainly focused on the
creation of fisheries and areas, making necessary investments in the project.
The objective is to strengthen the achievements of the Blue Revolution plan
through this scheme. Through which many new interventions are also envisaged
such as insurance of fishing vessels, support for upgrading fishing
vessels/boats, bio-toilets, aquaculture in saline/alkaline areas, Sea Mitra,
FFPO / CS, Nucleus Breeding Centers, Fisheries and Aquaculture Start-Ups,
Incubators, Integrated Aqua Parks, Integrated Coastal Fishing Village
Development, Network of Aquatic Laboratories and Extension of their facilities,
Identification Facility, Certification and Accreditation, RAS, Biofloc &
Cage Culture, e-Trading / Marketing, Fisheries Management Plan etc.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
announced the establishment of Fish Brood Bank at Sitamarhi and Aquatic Disease
Referral Laboratory at Kishanganj. For this, assistance has been provided under
PMMSY. These facilities will help increase fish production and its productivity
by ensuring quality and timely availability of fish seed for fish farmers and
will also meet the need for water and soil testing facilities along with
disease diagnosis of fish. Under the blue revolution, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi inaugurated one unit of a fish feed mill in Madhepura and two units of
'Fish on Wheels' in Patna.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also
inaugurated the Comprehensive Fish Production Technology Center at Dr. Rajendra
Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar. The centre will promote
fish seed production technology and demonstration unit technology for fish,
with facilities for referral laboratory and clinical trials to promote fish
production and assist in capacity building of fish farmers.
e-Gopala app
This app is a comprehensive breed
improvement, market and information portal for the direct use of farmers.
Through this app, buying and selling livestock disease-free bacteria in all
forms (semen, fetus, etc.) in the country. Availability of quality breeding
services (artificial insemination, animal first aid, vaccination, treatment
etc. To notify them about the various government schemes and campaigns in the
area or on the due date for vaccination, pregnancy diagnosis etc.
Rashtriya Gokul Mission
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also
inaugurated a semen centre (semen station) with state-of-the-art facilities set
up under 'Rashtriya Gokul Mission' in Purnia, Bihar. The centre has been set up
on 75 acres of land provided by the Bihar government with an investment of Rs
84.27 crore. It is one of the largest semen centres in the government sector
with a production capacity of 5 million semen doses per year. This semen centre
will also give a new dimension to the development and conservation of
indigenous breeds of Bihar and will also fulfil the demand of semen dosage of
the eastern and northeastern states.
IVF Lab was set up at Veterinary
Science University, Patna under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission. A total of 30 ETT
and IVF labs are being set up across the country through 100 per cent
grant-in-aid. These labs are extremely important in terms of increasing the
descent of the best animals of the native breeds and thus increasing milk
production and productivity by leaps and bounds. The use of gender-separated
semen in artificial insemination was also launched by the Barauni Milk Union in
Begusarai district of Bihar under the National Gokul Mission. In 'AI', only
female calves can be ensured with the use of gender semen, more than 90%
accuracy. This will help in doubling the growth rate of milk production in the
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