What is the buyback and dividend, how the stock investors get more benefits?

What is the buyback and dividend, how the stock investors get more benefits?


If an investor invests in stock and after that, there is a growth in its price, then you get the benefit. But can it happen that invest in one place and there are 3 ways in which the investor should make a profit? Investors do not benefit only by increasing the share price in the company's stock. Apart from this, Investor also benefits from buyback and dividend from time to time. In this article, we are telling you about buyback and dividend.


What is a buyback? Buyback means when a company buys back shares of its company from the market.


When and Why Buyback is done Buyback is usually done when a company has cash money. Meaning she buys back her shares in the market with this money. There is no time period or rule as to when to do it or why. It is up to the company that when it feels that it has additional cash, it can. The buyback is done because it increases the promoter's holding in his company. There is also a risk of not making a buyback if the promoter's stake in the company is below 51 per cent. In such a situation, if someone has bought more shares from the open market, that is, he has more stake than the promoter, and then the promoters may have trouble in controlling the company.


What benefit or disadvantage does the buyback bring to the company and the investor? There is no loss to the company. Rather, buyback becomes stronger for the company as its control. Buyback is also beneficial for investors in most cases. But sometimes some companies deliberately buyback on such a price in which investors also incur losses.


What is a dividend? Some companies of share market continue to give some share of their profits to their shareholders from time to time. She gives this share of the profits as a dividend to the shareholders. If an investor buys shares of dividend-paying companies, there are two ways. One advantage is that will be that you will give some part of the profits to the company. On the other hand, Investor will also profit from the rise in the stock. Suppose you have invested 1 thousand rupees in the stock of a company and if the share price rises 25% in a year, then your investment will increase to 1250 rupees in a year. In addition, the company also contributes part of his profits to shareholders. In such a situation, you can get a double benefit.


The dividend is given when the companies benefit in the business and they want to distribute their profits to their investors. There is no time period or rule as to when and how much will be given. It is up to the company when and how much it benefits to its shareholders.


Dividend Calculation Keep in mind that the dividend is always paid at the face value of the share, and its calculation is also done at face value. Suppose the current market price of a stock is 100 but if the face value of that stock is Rs 10, and the company decides to give 100% dividend, then it means the face value of the share is Rs 10, then 100% dividend means There is a dividend of Rs 10 per share.


Dividends paid by profitable companies are generally considered good in terms of public sector companies (PSUs) dividend. If a company is paying a dividend, it means that the company is making good profits and there is no shortage of cash. Declaration of a dividend of the company is also good sentiment on the stock and it accelerates.

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